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Trovato 5 voci per "portatorte+portaformaggi+in+legno"
Small luxury cheese holder
Articolo: 77
Rectangular cheese holder with wooden tray and plastic cover. It is equipped with colored handles made of metal.
Round wooden cake and/or cheese holder
Articolo: 78/1
Round cheese and cake holder, with wooden tray and plastic cover. Diametre 30 cm.
Wooden breadbox
Articolo: 290
Wooden table breadbox, with a door that opens upwards. Available colors: walnut and natural.
Big round cake holder
Articolo: 78/3
Round cake holder with wooden tray and plastic cover. Diametre 35 cm.
Small round cake holder
Articolo: 78/2
Round cake holder with wooden tray and plastic cover. Diametre 30 cm.
immagine 2

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